Ciao a tutti!! Oggi vi parlo delle ultime tendenze in fatto di makeup occhi e dei nuovi e bellissimi ombretti che Collistar ha creato per i suoi 30 anni.
Le ultime tendenze vogliono uno sguardo magnetico e profondo. Focus sugli occhi quindi, naturalmente, pronti a osare come non mai in passato, con ombretti saturi di colore ma docilissimi, le cui polveri, dalla consistenza straordinariamente cremosa, possono essere sfumate all’infinito. Per effetti davvero speciali.
Dalle passerelle internazionali rimbalza un diktat preciso: le palpebre, si vestiranno di cromie ad alta tensione, piene e profonde. Soprattutto, rigorosamente satinate.
È dando ascolto a questo nuovo trend che Collistar ha creato la sua linea di Ombretti Satin primer+colore, che all’azione levigante e a lunga tenuta tipica dei primer associa una resa cromatica piena e omogenea. Per un sorprendente risultato di make-up pittorico.
Negli anni la casa cosmetica Made in Italy ha saputo interpretare sempre meglio i desideri del suo pubblico e i trend più attuali trasformandoli, di volta in volta, in collezioni o limited edition che mixano glamour e tecnologia. Incarnato, zigomi, labbra, occhi, ciglia, unghie: nulla sfugge all’occhio attento e alla sensibilità dei make-up artist di Collistar.
Per voi ho scelto e "testato" due colori molto caldi e delicati, perfetti per un look sofisticato ma d'effetto. Ombretto Satin n°11, un delicato color arancio, e il n°12 un intenso rosa shock.
Ombretto Satin è un vortice di coloratissimo, sensuale piacere. Le nove tonalità, alcune più chiare altre più scure, possono essere usate da sole o in sovrapposizione, privilegiando, secondo l’estro del momento, il tono su tono, per sguardi “vellutati”, o il contrasto, per un effetto più audace. Via libera alla vena artistica individuale, dunque. Accantonato, nel trucco come nella moda, il coordinato ad ogni costo, si arriva a osare in nome di un “disordine” creativo che mischia le varie nuances e fa tendenza.
Spero vi sia piaciuto l'articolo, ciao e alla prossima!!
Hello to all! Today we speak of the latest trends in makeup and new and beautiful eyes eyeshadow Collistar has created for his 30 years.
The latest trends want a magnetic eyes and deep. Focus on the eyes then , of course , ready to dare more than ever in the past, with saturated color eye shadow but docile , whose powders, extraordinarily creamy consistency , can be infinitely nuanced . To truly special effects .
From the international catwalks bounces a diktat precise : the eyelids, shall be clothed with high-voltage colors , full and deep . Above all, strictly satin .
It is by listening to this new trend that Collistar has created her own line of Satin Eyeshadow primer + color, smoothing and long-lasting action that is typical of primer combines a full color rendition and smooth. To a surprising result of make-up pictorial .
Over the years, the cosmetics Made in Italy has been able to better interpret the desires of his audience and the latest trends turning them from time to time, or limited edition collections that mix glamor and technology . Complexion , cheekbones , lips, eyes , eyelashes , nails , nothing escapes the watchful eye and the sensitivity of the make- up artist Collistar .
For you have chosen and " tested " two colors very warm and delicate , perfect for a sophisticated look but effective . Satin Eyeshadow No. 11 , a delicate orange color , and the No. 12 an intense shock pink.
Satin Eyeshadow is a vortex of colorful , sensual pleasure . The nine shades , some other darker lighter , can be used alone or in superposition , with priority given according to the inspiration of the moment, the tone -on-tone looks for " velvety " , or contrast for a more daring. Go ahead for the individual artistic talent , then. Set aside in makeup as in fashion, coordinated at all costs , you get to dare in the name of a "disorder" creative mixes the various nuances and flair.
I hope you enjoyed the article, and hello to the next!
The latest trends want a magnetic eyes and deep. Focus on the eyes then , of course , ready to dare more than ever in the past, with saturated color eye shadow but docile , whose powders, extraordinarily creamy consistency , can be infinitely nuanced . To truly special effects .
From the international catwalks bounces a diktat precise : the eyelids, shall be clothed with high-voltage colors , full and deep . Above all, strictly satin .
It is by listening to this new trend that Collistar has created her own line of Satin Eyeshadow primer + color, smoothing and long-lasting action that is typical of primer combines a full color rendition and smooth. To a surprising result of make-up pictorial .
Over the years, the cosmetics Made in Italy has been able to better interpret the desires of his audience and the latest trends turning them from time to time, or limited edition collections that mix glamor and technology . Complexion , cheekbones , lips, eyes , eyelashes , nails , nothing escapes the watchful eye and the sensitivity of the make- up artist Collistar .
For you have chosen and " tested " two colors very warm and delicate , perfect for a sophisticated look but effective . Satin Eyeshadow No. 11 , a delicate orange color , and the No. 12 an intense shock pink.
Satin Eyeshadow is a vortex of colorful , sensual pleasure . The nine shades , some other darker lighter , can be used alone or in superposition , with priority given according to the inspiration of the moment, the tone -on-tone looks for " velvety " , or contrast for a more daring. Go ahead for the individual artistic talent , then. Set aside in makeup as in fashion, coordinated at all costs , you get to dare in the name of a "disorder" creative mixes the various nuances and flair.
I hope you enjoyed the article, and hello to the next!
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